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ТЕСТ для Детей от 12 лет и ВЗРОСЛЫХ на определение уровня владения Английского языка АЛЬБИОН ЛИПЕЦК
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Приветствую Вас, Гость · RSS 27.07.2024, 12:02

Общий тест на определение уровня владения Английским языком
для Детей от 12 лет и Взрослых
Вам необходимо без посторонней помощи и подсказок ответить на 50 вопросов. Сначала идут вопросы полегче, они направлены на понимание основ английской грамматики, постепенно вопросы усложняются. Старайтесь не угадывать ответы, пропускайте очень сложные вопросы!

E-mail отправителя *:
Ваше Имя, Фамилия *:
Год рождения *:
Контактный телефон *:
В каком офисе Вы хотите начать обучение?:
1. George is French. … a French boy.:
2. This is a notebook. Those … notebooks.:
3. I’m Russian. … English?:
4. I speak Italian. She … Japanese.:
5. «What …?» «I’m a student.»:
6. Sorry, I … understand.:
7. "….. I have a table for two please?" - "Sure.":
8. Where … now?:
9. That isn’t your umbrella. It’s ….:
10. Look at that cloud. It … rain.:
11. No, I don’t want … carrots.:
12. «Where … at the weekend?» «I was in the country.»:
13. «Why not go to Madame Tussauds?» «I … there yesterday»:
14. «Where … you yesterday?» «I didn’t go anywhere.»:
15. You … work hard to pass the examination.:
16. His English is very good. He speaks Italian …, too.:
17. I … to Spain.:
18. Jane… the tickets.:
19. Don’t go out. It … rain.:
20. Freddy … with a girl when I saw him.:
21. My cousin … for my birthday.:
22. The woman … came yesterday is very rich.:
23. Tom is good at football but John is … .:
24. Mary… since she left school.:
25. «Please be patient.» He told me … .:
26. «I’m a shop assistant.» She told me that … a shop assistant.:
27. Annabel will come to tea if you … her.:
28. I am not as fast as you. You are … than I am.:
29. «…Gone with the Wind?» «Yes, I saw it on Saturday.»:
30. When I was a child I … a lot of chocolate.:
31. The school … last year.:
32. Mary enjoys … in Dublin.:
33. I think you’d better … to the doctor.:
34. Dinner will be ready for you when you … home.:
35. If I were you, …this dress.:
36. «Have you washed the dishes?» Mum asked me … .:
37. They … so much they could hardly move.:
38. I like her. She makes me …:
39. Would you mind … me a pencil, please?:
40. What about … to the movies tonight?:
41. I … here for 7 days in June.:
42. I wish I … a lot of money.:
43. His car is rather dirty. He …. it before he took us for a ride.:
44. If you … gone to the party you would have seen her.:
45. «Where isTrafalgar Square?» She asked me where … .:
46. The streets are wet. It … raining.:
47. He doesn’t have time to tile his bathroom himself, so he ….:
48. I’d rather you … later. I’m all tied up.:
49. If you … there again, what would you do?:
50. «Can I phone you at 7.00?» «No, it’s too early. I … .»:
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